Applewood Dental Rockport, ME

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous Oxide

More commonly known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is a type of sedation method that allows you to remain fully conscious and in control of your faculties while enhancing relaxation. This approach causes a temporary soporific effect that should quickly subside once you discontinue use. When you arrive and sit comfortably in one of our chairs, one of our skilled team members will place a small mask over your nose. Through this mask oxygen and nitrous oxide will begin to flow while you continue to breathe normally. You should primarily feel calm, but you may also feel extra cheerful or even giggly—thus the term “laughing gas.” Once the treatment is finished, we will remove the mask and within a few moments you should be able to return to routine activity.

What is Laughing Gas Used For?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends the use of nitrous oxide for these indications:

  • Patients who are fearful, anxious, or uncooperative
  • Patients with special health care needs
  • Patients with gag reflexes that interfere with dental care
  • Patients who do not respond adequately to local anesthesia
  • Younger patients who must undergo lengthy dental procedures

The Benefits of Laughing Gas

Dentists choose nitrous oxide because it is a safe and effective method for sedation. The laughing gas works quickly to relax patients, and the effects wear off quickly by breathing pure oxygen through a mask. Plus, the nitrous oxide does not put you to sleep, so you can hear and respond to any of the dentist’s questions or instructions.

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- Darrell Steward -


Compassionate Care & Timely

“A facilisis ornare risus eleifend adipiscing. Elementum orci quam gravida pellentesque pharetra pharetra quis. Adipiscing vel vulputate dignissim eu habitasse pharetra. Aliquet mauris sollicitudin ornare venenatis pulvinar mollis. Ac enim sed et purus egestas volutpat.”

- Kathryn Murphy -


Compassionate Care & Timely

“A facilisis ornare risus eleifend adipiscing. Elementum orci quam gravida pellentesque pharetra pharetra quis. Adipiscing vel vulputate dignissim eu habitasse pharetra. Aliquet mauris sollicitudin ornare venenatis pulvinar mollis. Ac enim sed et purus egestas volutpat.”

- Marvin McKinney -


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“A facilisis ornare risus eleifend adipiscing. Elementum orci quam gravida pellentesque pharetra pharetra quis. Adipiscing vel vulputate dignissim eu habitasse pharetra. Aliquet mauris sollicitudin ornare venenatis pulvinar mollis. Ac enim sed et purus egestas volutpat.”

- Floyd Miles -


The most professional dental team!

“A facilisis ornare risus eleifend adipiscing. Elementum orci quam gravida pellentesque pharetra pharetra quis. Adipiscing vel vulputate dignissim eu habitasse pharetra. Aliquet mauris sollicitudin ornare venenatis pulvinar mollis. Ac enim sed et purus egestas volutpat.”

- Darrell Steward -


Compassionate Care & Timely

“A facilisis ornare risus eleifend adipiscing. Elementum orci quam gravida pellentesque pharetra pharetra quis. Adipiscing vel vulputate dignissim eu habitasse pharetra. Aliquet mauris sollicitudin ornare venenatis pulvinar mollis. Ac enim sed et purus egestas volutpat.”

- Kathryn Murphy -

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